The Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo Indians in California.
The Dry Creek Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo people, an indigenous people of California.
The Guidiville Rancheria of California are a Pomo tribe located in Mendocino County, California.
The Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo Indians in Lake County, California.
The Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo people in Mendocino County, California, south of Ukiah.
The Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester Rancheria, formerly named the 'Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo Indians in California.
The Bole-Maru Religion was a religious revitalization movement of the Maidu, Pomo, Wintun, and other tribes of north-central California in the 19th century.
The Pinoleville Pomo Nation is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo people in Mendocino County, California.
Numerous clamshell beads, a major currency among the Indians of Central California, were also found, indicating a vast trade network.
The indigenous religion of the Pomo people, Native Americans from Northwestern California, centered on belief in the powerful entities of the 'Kunula', a Coyote, and 'Guksu', a spirit healer from the south.
The Potter Valley Tribe is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo people in Mendocino County, California.
The Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California is a federally recognized tribe of Pomo Indians in California.
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The final major work of his life was to produce a series of films about the peoples of Northern California such as the Pomo, particularly the Kashaya.