
unusual facts about Pompey the Great

Quintus Mucius Scaevola Pontifex

By his first wife, who was noted for her beauty, but whom he divorced after her adultery with another consul, he had a daughter Mucia Tertia, who was wife of Pompey the Great and mother of his three surviving children.

see also

45 BC

April 12Gnaeus Pompeius, son of Pompey the Great, executed after the battle of Munda (b. c. 75 BC)

Pompeius Strabo

He had a least two children: a son, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, also known as Pompey the Great or Pompey the triumvir who married Julia (the daughter of dictator Gaius Julius Caesar) as his fourth wife and a daughter called Pompeia.

Smar Jbeil

The Roman troops conquered the village from its northern side under the leadership of Pompey the Great, probably during his Eastern campaign in 63 BC.