
9 unusual facts about Pons


Jean Louis Pons (Marseille) originally discovered the comet on June 12, 1819, it was later rediscovered by Friedrich August Theodor Winnecke (Bonn) on March 9, 1858.


The Saint-Devote chapel is first mentioned about 1070, belonging to the abbey of Saint-Pons.

Jean-Pons-Guillaume Viennet

He left Paris and was a captain in the 1813 Saxony campaign, assisting at the battles of Lützen and Bautzen (at the latter he was decorated personally by Napoleon).

Jean-Pons-Guillaume Viennet (18 November 1777, Béziers - 10 July 1868, Le Val-Saint-Germain) was a French politician, playwright and poet.

Viennet was the son of National Convention-member Jacques Joseph Viennet and nephew of the priest Louis Esprit Viennet who, aged 40, was made curate of the église Saint-Merri in Paris and who in the early phase of the French Revolution in 1790 preached a sermon on the civil constitution of the clergy.

Le Siège de Damas, 5 canto poem, preceded by a preface on the classicists and the romantics (1825) ;

Saint-Pons-de-Thomières Cathedral

Saint-Pons-de-Thomières Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Pons de Saint-Pons-de-Thomières) is a former Roman Catholic cathedral, and national monument of France, in Saint-Pons-de-Thomières.

Thomas de Treil de Pardailhan

Thomas-François de Treil de Pardailhan (1754, Paris - 2 August 1822, Pardailhan) was the eldest of an ennobled Languedocien family, originating in the Saint-Pons-de-Thomières region.

As early as the first events of 1789 Thomas-François engaged with passion in political life - he was made a delegate in March that year by the representatives of the Three Estates of Saint-Pons, to support the writing of a constitution.


In any event, Postumus ignored his invitation and Aureolus, unsupported by the Gallic usurper, was defeated by Gallienus in a battle on the River Adda east of Milan at a place known for centuries as Pontirolo (from Latin Pons Aureoli i.e. 'The Bridge of Aureolus').

Bell of Huesca

The Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña from the 14th century tells how Ramiro II became so concerned about his nobles abusing his patience that he sent a herald to the Abbey of Saint-Pons-de-Thomières to ask for advice from his former master.

Cecile of France

In 1133, Pons was besieged at his castle of Montferrand by Zengi, atabeg of Mosul, in 1133, and Cecile appealed to her half-brother, King Fulk of Jerusalem, to come to his aid.

David del Puerto

His works have been performed by soloists the likes of Ernest Rombout, Ananda Sukarlan, Miquel Bernat, Ángel Luis Castaño, Manuel Guillén, Evelyn Glennie and Sarah Leonard, and conducted by the likes of Ed Spanjaard, Sakari Oramo, Diego Masson, Luca Pfaff, José Ramón Encinar, Josep Pons, Pedro Halffter, Fabián Panisello, Tapio Tuomela, Pablo González Bernardo, Pablo Heras, Dmitri Loos, etc.

Fabrizia Pons

Fabrizia Pons (born 26 June 1955) is an Italian rally co-driver best known for her partnership with Michèle Mouton.

Faraday-efficiency effect

Lacking any other plausible explanation, the anomalous excess heat produced during such electrolysis was attributed by Pons and Fleischmann to cold fusion.

Henri-Pons de Thiard de Bissy

Henri Pons Thiard Bissy was born on 25 May 1657 in Pierre-de-Bresse.

Juan Pons

With his outstandingly successful international début in 1980 at the Teatro alla Scala of Milan with Falstaff, staged by Giorgio Strehler and conducted by Lorin Maazel, Juan Pons has revealed himself as one of the most famous baritones worldwide.

Lateral pontine syndrome

A lateral pontine syndrome is a lesion which is similar to the Lateral medullary syndrome, but because it occurs in the pons, it also involves the cranial nerve nuclei of the pons.

Patterson Power Cell

In 2002, John R. Huizenga, professor of nuclear chemistry at the University of Rochester, who was head of a government panel convened in 1989 to investigate the cold fusion claims of Fleischmann and Pons, and who wrote a book about the controversy, said "I would be willing to bet there's nothing to it", when asked about the Patterson Power Cell.

Pons Aelius

Corstopitum (Corbridge), being a major arsenal and supply centre, was much larger and populous than Pons Aelius.

Pons Agrippae

To connect his villa to the Field of Mars, where Agrippa had built several important monuments, it has been suggested that Agrippa constructed the Pons Agrippae.

Pons Cestius

In the 4th century the Pons Cestius was rebuilt by the Emperors Valentinian I, Valens and Gratian and re-dedicated in 370 as the Pons Gratiani.

Pons de Capduelh

According to his vida, Pons was originally from the diocese of Le Puy.

The parents of Pons are unknown, but he was of the family of the lords of Fay and had six children identifiable in the records.

Pons Santolh

Pons (de) Santolh was a thirteenth-century troubadour, probably a member of the Centulli family, but whether of the Castelsarrasin or Toulouse branch remains a mystery.

Sito Pons

Pons also turned to auto racing, fielding a team in the World Series by Renault, which was mostly based in Spain.

Turtle Soup

All tracks written by Kaylan, Volman, Nichol, Pons and Seiter, except track 14 written by Judee Sill.

Xavier Pons

Xavier "Xevi" Pons Puigdillers (born January 21 in 1980 in Vic, Spain) is a rally driver competing in the World Rally Championship.

see also