
2 unusual facts about Poor Richard's Almanack

Elizabeth Timothy

She also sold the books Reflections on Courtship and Marriage, Armstrong's Poem on Health, The Westminster Confession of Faith, Watts' Psalms and Hymns, the Pocket Almanack, and Franklin's works including Poor Richard's Almanack.

Poor Richard's Almanack

At least one modern biographer has published the claim that Franklin "stole", not borrowed, the name of Richard Saunders from the deceased astrologer-doctor.

Bishop of Peterborough

Whitaker's Almanack Joseph Whitaker & Sons Ltd. and A&C Black Publishers Ltd., London, 1883 to 2004

Distichs of Cato

He cites Cato in Poor Richard's Almanac and believed in the moral advice with such fervor he was troubled to print James Logan's translation called Cato's Moral Distichs Englished in Couplets in 1735, the first in the Colonies.

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

This quote is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin since it appeared in his Poor Richard's Almanack; however, it was first used in print by John Clarke in a 1639 book of English and Latin proverbs.

Murdoch Macdonald

However Who was Who, The Times and Whitaker's Almanack all show Macdonald with the description Liberal National in 1945.

Rare Book Room

It includes Library of Congress copies of Poor Richard's Almanack by Benjamin Franklin, and other rare editions: a Gutenberg Bible of 1455, William Harvey's book on the circulation of blood, Galileo ’s Sidereus Nuncius, the first printing of the United States Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta.

Whitaker's Almanack

In the short story "A Holiday Task" by Saki, a titled amnesiac looks through the list of peers in Whitaker's in an unsuccessful attempt to remember who she is.

It is also mentioned in Virginia Woolf`s short story "The Mark on the Wall".

see also