
5 unusual facts about Pop Hart

Pop Hart

His style varies: some works show affinity with the delicate expressiveness of John Marin and Cézanne, while others lean towards the brusquer social realism of Diego Rivera or Robert Henri.

Hart's work is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Brooklyn Museum; the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; the Smithsonian Institution; the Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the British Museum, and other institutions in the United States and Europe.

Eventually he landed in Chicago, where he worked for a while as an illustrator for a newspaper and also as a sign painter for the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and other clients.

Among his close friends in New York art circles were members of the Ashcan school of social realism, especially Robert Henri and John Sloan.

Walt Kuhn

He counted a number of cartoonists and illustrators among his friends, including Gus Mager and Pop Hart.

see also