
3 unusual facts about Popham


It was unveiled on 19 August 1938 by the then Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Kenya HE Chief Marshall Sir Robert Brooke Pophan.

Robert Brooke

Sir Robert Brooke-Popham (1878–1953), British Royal Air Force officer, born Robert Brooke

West Bagborough

Bagborough House was built in 1739 by the Popham family, enlarged in 1820 and 1900, and is now lived in by Diana and Philip Brooke-Popham.

Edward Popham

The news reached London on the 22nd, and was reported to the house by Whitelocke, and at the same time Sir Henry Vane the younger was ordered "to go to Mrs. Popham from the council and condole with her on the loss of her husband, and to let her know what a memory they have of his services, and that they will upon all occasions be ready to show respect to his relations".

General at Sea

After Popham's death in 1651 he was succeeded in 1652 by General George Monck.

Home Riggs Popham

It was also the case that Lord St. Vincent did not like Popham, and that Benjamin Tucker (1762–1829), secretary to the admiralty, who had been the admiral's secretary, was his creature and sycophant.

Joseph Aloysius Durick

To help present his reforms, Durick consulted with Catholic laymen, as well as a number of journalists uncluding John Popham, John Seigenthaler, Joe Sweat, and Father Owen Campion.

North Sheen Recreation Ground

Opened in June 1909 and extended in 1923, the recreation ground was originally part of an orchard belonging to the Popham Estate, owned by the Leyborne Pophams whose family seat was at Littlecote House, Wiltshire.


Also constructed across the parish was the Wisbech Canal, now disused, which followed the course of the Well Stream as far as Outwell church and then struck across in a southeasterly direction to join Popham's Eau at Nordelph.

South-East Asian theatre of World War II

India Command under General Sir Archibald Wavell the Commander-in-Chief (CinC) of the Army of India and the Far East Command, first under Air Chief Marshal Robert Brooke-Popham and then from December 23, 1941 commanded by Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Royds Pownall.

Svyataya Anna

Leybourne-Popham appointed Joseph Wiggins as captain of Blencathra for an 1893 voyage to the Kara Sea and into the Yenisei River, thus taking the ship to the furthest reaches of Siberia.

William Lee Popham

William Lee Popham (1885-1953) was an American author, evangelist, Chautauqua speaker, and real estate developer who was important in the growth of Apalachicola, Florida and St. George Island, FL.

A boat was purchased to ferry investors to St. George Island, and Popham Oyster Factory No. 1 was constructed in Apalachicola at the mouth of the Apalachicola River.

see also