An animated TV series The Extraordinary Adventures of Poppy Cat based on the Poppy Cat books, comprising 52 episodes running 11 minutes, was created by Kate Boutilier and Eryk Casemiro and produced by Coolabi Productions, and BAFTA award-winning King Rollo Films and first aired on Nick Jr. from May 2011, and on Disney Junior.
Cat Stevens | cat | Cat Power | Cat | Felix the Cat | Cheshire Cat | The Cat Empire | Dick Whittington and His Cat | Cat's Cradle | Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Tom Cat | Poppy Z. Brite | Poppy Montgomery | Cat Mother & the All Night Newsboys | CAT | The Case of the Black Cat | poppy | Top Cat | The Cat's Meow | The Cat and the Canary | The Cat Above and the Mouse Below | Poppy | Felix the Cat: The Movie | Cat (Red Dwarf) | Cat Osterman | Billy the Cat | The Cat Who Walks Through Walls | The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! | The Cat and the Canary (1927 film) | Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo |