
2 unusual facts about Popular Orthodox Rally

Georgios Anatolakis

Anatolakis was elected in B' Piraeus, in the 4 October 2009 elections, as a member of the Popular Orthodox Rally Party and was a member of the Greek parliament.

Hellenic Front

After unsuccessfully contesting seats in the elections of 2004, they eventually merged with the Popular Orthodox Rally.

Elections in Greece

Presently, there are six Greek parties represented in the European Parliament: New Democracy, PASOK, Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza), Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS) and Ecologist Greens.

Greek government-debt crisis countermeasures

Showing position of disagreement, the transport minister Makis Voridis from the Popular Orthodox Rally party, along with five deputy ministers from various ministries, decided to resign.

see also

Coalition Cabinet of Lucas Papademos

After several days of intense negotiations, the two major parties along with the Popular Orthodox Rally agreed to form a grand coalition headed by former European Central Bank vice-president Lucas Papademos.