
2 unusual facts about orthodox

Aleksander Ostrogski

Aleksander stay the only son of Konstanty Wasyl Ostrogski who remained Orthodox.

Edinburgh Synagogue

The Edinburgh Hebrew Congregation (EHC) is a mainstream Orthodox congregation under the auspices of the Chief Rabbi.

1978 in Israel

28 February – Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin (born 1888) Russian (Belarus)-born Orthodox rabbi, founded the Encyclopedia Talmudit.

Aleksandar Bačko

Aleksandar Bačko is descendent of Nikanor Grujić, Orthodox Bishop of Pakrac and locum tenens Serbian Patriarch, by his brother Dragutin Grujić, archpriest of Mohacs, parish priest of Kacsfalu and assessor of Buda bishopric consistory.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Warsaw

Field Cathedral of the Polish Army, another cathedral in Warsaw that used to be an Orthodox church

Armenians in Syria

The majority of Armenians of the Armenian Apostolic (also known as Oriental Orthodox Armenian) faith are under the jurisdiction of the Holy See of Cilicia (based in Antelias, Lebanon) of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Association of Croatian Orthodox Believers

The association marks anniversaries of death of Patriarch Germogen of Croatia and other Croatian Orthodox priests killed by the Yugoslav Partisans in 1945.

Bulgarians in Germany

In the 16th century, Bulgarian Orthodox clerics were known to have been in contact with the German Lutherans and by the 18th century Bulgarian merchants in Leipzig were distinguished from other Balkan Christian merchants.

Bury Hebrew Congregation

Bury Hebrew Congregation, also known in Hebrew as Bet Knesset Sha'ar HahShamayim (Gate of Heaven Synagogue) is an Orthodox synagogue, serving the Jewish community in the Sunnybank, Unsworth and Hollins area of North Manchester.

Christos anesti

Paschal troparion, hymn for the celebration of Easter in the Eastern Orthodox Church

Cologne Charterhouse

Blommeveen published some writings in defence of Roman Catholicism and the works of the orthodox theologian Denis the Carthusian (Dionysius van Leeuw).

Council of Lyon

Second Council of Lyon (1274; Pope Gregory X; regarding union with the Eastern Orthodox and other matters)

Demographics of Toronto

Members of Christian Orthodox churches accounted for 4.9%, and other Christians (those not specifically identifying as Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox) formed 3.9%.

Diocese of Cahul and Comrat

The Diocese of Cahul and Comrat was established on July 17, 1998, by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to shepherd the Orthodox Church in southern Moldova.

Diocese of Chișinău

Following the annexation of Bessarabia by the Russian Empire in 1812 the Russian Orthodox Church established the Eparchy of Chişinău and Khotin under Metropolitan Gavril (Bănulescu-Bodoni) to care for the region's Orthodox Christians.


Alexander Leonidovich Dvorkin, a sectologist, linked to Russian Orthodox Church

Encyclical of the Eastern Patriarchs

The encyclical explicitly denounces the Filioque clause added by Rome to the Nicene Creed as a heresy, censures the papacy for missionizing among Eastern Orthodox Christians, and repudiates Ultramontanism (papal supremacy).

Estonian Orthodox Church

Estonian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate, a semi-autonomous diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church

Ethiopian Australian

There were two Ethiopian Pentecostal churches in the Melbourne area as of 2001, as well as an Ethiopian Orthodox church in Maribyrnong.

Fifth Commandment

"Honor your father and your mother" under the Philonic division used by Hellenistic Jews, Greek Orthodox and Protestants except Lutherans, or the Talmudic division of the third-century Jewish Talmud.

First seven Ecumenical Councils

For those who accept it (Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholics, most liturgical Protestants), it is the Fourth Ecumenical Council (calling the Second Council of Ephesus, which was rejected by this council, the "Robber Synod" or "Robber Council").

George Arundale

This was considered scandalous: Rukmini belonged to a Hindu Brahmin family orthodox enough to disapprove of Sriram's involvement with the Theosophists, whom they regarded as a bizarre quasi-Christian sect; there were considerations of race, religion and cultural background; and Rukmini was young enough to be Arundale's daughter, being twenty-six years younger than he was.

George Dragas

At present, he is also a Visiting Professor at Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada, and Visiting Professor of Eastern Orthodox Monasticism at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, New York.

Gooroodas Banerjee

Vidyasagar had by this time become an object of attack by the orthodox Brahmins owing to his introduction of widow remarriage.

Har Brakha

Currently, over 170 families live in this Orthodox Jewish community which is within the municipal jurisdiction of the Shomron Regional Council.

Holy minimalism

Examples include Arvo Pärt (an Estonian Orthodox), John Tavener (a British composer who converted to Russian Orthodoxy), Henryk Górecki (a Polish Catholic), Alan Hovhaness (the earliest mystic minimalist), Sofia Gubaidulina, Giya Kancheli, Hans Otte, Pēteris Vasks and Vladimír Godár.

Independent church

National church, especially in Anglicanism and Orthodox Christianity, the organisation of that denomination within a given nation, which acts independently of the churches of the same denomination in other nations.

Kallooppara St. Marys Orthodox Church

Mary's Orthodox Church is situated at the heart of a small village called Kallooppara, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala, India.

Kaloyanovo, Plovdiv Province

Some of the Orthodox population descends from Bulgarian refugees from Greek Macedonia and more precisely Gorno Frashtani (today Oreini, Serres).


Koukoulion, a traditional headdress worn by monks in the Eastern Orthodox Church

Maharajah Sir Goday Narayana Gajapthi Rao

Goday Jugga Rao garu was a great promoter of Telugu literature and orthodox Hindu, he practiced 'Saptha Santhana' Seven good works of perpetuality.

Making of a Godol

and of various other Jewish sages of the 19th and 20th centuries, who are revered by Orthodox (especially Haredi) Jews.


Matryona Nikonova, known as Matrona of Moscow, a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church

Matthew 3:13

Clarke notes that according to tradition Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River five miles south of the Allenby Bridge, today the site of a Greek Orthodox monastery dedicated to John the Baptist.

Minuscule 104

Bart D. Ehrman identified this reading as Orthodox corrupt reading.

Miracle of the Holy Fire

Holy Fire a religious ceremony of the Greek Orthodox church in Jerusalem

Ninth Commandment

"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" under the Philonic division used by Hellenistic Jews, Greek Orthodox and Protestants except Lutherans, or the Talmudic division of the third-century Jewish Talmud.

Orthodoxy in the Republic of Ireland

Since 2010, the Romanian Orthodox parish of Ballsbridge has been operating from two alternate locations in Blanchardstown: three recently appointed priests hold the liturgy there every Sunday.

Peter VII of Alexandria

Patriarch Peter VII of Alexandria (1949–2004), Eastern Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria

Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria

On 8 May 2013, Pope Tawadros II, pope and patriarch of the See of St. Mark and leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church, met with Pope Francis, bishop of Rome and supreme pontiff of the Catholic Church, in Vatican City.

Pradip Basu

He specializes in postmodernism and the Naxalite movement, and was actively involved in Naxalite politics during 1974-1981, but gradually became critical of Naxalism and orthodox Marxism, and became interested in western Marxism, and the works of Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, and the Frankfurt School.


The rejection of Bishop Anicetus' position on the Quartodeciman by Polycarp, and later Polycrates' letter to Pope Victor I, has been used by Orthodox theologians as proof against the argument that the Churches in Asia Minor accepted the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and or the teaching of Papal supremacy.

Reform movement in Judaism

From the Conservative movement, another liberal, non-orthodox Judaism approach was created by Mordecai Kaplan.

Russian Orthodox Church

The Orthodox priests Gleb Yakunin, Sergiy Zheludkov and others spent years in Soviet prisons and exile for their efforts in defending freedom of worship.

Saint Arsenije I Sremac

His feast day is celebrated according to the Orthodox liturgical calendar on October 28 (for those churches, such as the Serbian Orthodox Church, which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, October 28 falls on November 10 of the modern Gregorian Calendar).

Saint Procopius Church of Tirana

Kristofor Kisi, then primate of the Orthodox Church of Albania entrusted with the project of the new building Skënder Luarasi, a young architect who had graduated from the University of Vienna, and was son of patriot Kristo Luarasi.

Saint Spyridon Church, Trieste

History of the Orthodox community in Trieste begins in 1751 when Empress Maria Theresa allow free practice of religion for Orthodox Christians what prompted immigration of Serbian traders from Herceg Novi, Trebinje and Sarajevo to Trieste.

Soyuz TMA-07M

The crew enjoyed their final breakfast and participated in the traditional pre-flight blessing by a Russian Orthodox Priest.

St. Basil's Church

Saint Basil's Cathedral, a Russian Orthodox cathedral erected on the Red Square in Moscow

St. Jovan Vladimir's Church

Gregory of Durrës, the archbishop of Dyrrhachium from 1768 to 1772, wrote there the Elbasan Gospel Manuscript, the oldest work of Albanian Orthodox literature.

Ukrainian Orthodox Vicariate Sighetu Marmației

Initially, there were six parishes; later, the one at Copăcele reverted to the ordinary structure of the Romanian Orthodox Church, but nine other parishes were added, the total reaching fourteen by 2005.

Yeshiva World News

For example, they omitted most reports on the child abuse scandals in Orthodox Yeshivos, as well as the scandal with Leib Tropper and EJF in 2009.

see also