Poyntzpass, a small village situated between Portadown and Newry, Northern Ireland
William Stephen Poyntz | Sydnam Poyntz | Poyntz Tyler | Juliet Stuart Poyntz |
In the South African 1912–13 season, Poyntz played three times for the Orange Free State team, captaining the team in Currie Cup matches.
Residents included the diplomat, Stephen Poyntz, and the MP William Stephen Poyntz.
He succeeded in clearing himself from these suspicions and lived at Cookhill unmolested until about 1610, when he was appointed a commissioner of James's household and of the navy; he was knighted in 1618, and in the same year, on the death of Sir John Poyntz (formerly Morice) of Chipping Ongar, he obtained the lucrative and honourable post of Chamberlain of the Exchequer, which he held until May 1625, when he resigned it.