It was premiered by the Prague Italian opera at the Teatro di Praga (now called the Estates Theatre) on October 29, 1787.
It lies between its crossing with the Vasil Levski Boulevard and Graf Ignatiev Street at the Patriarch Evtimiy Square and the boulevards Praga, Hristo Botev and Skobelev at the Pette kyosheta juncture.
Soldiers of the Polish First Army Park otherwise known as Praga Park is a park in Warsaw, Poland.
During Suvorov's Polish campaign of 1794, he commanded a battalion which silenced a Polish battery and took hold of a bridge over the Vistula between Warsaw and its suburb Praga.
Stanisław Wawrzecki (1922–March 19, 1965) was a Director of State-Directed Meat Trade in Praga (part of Warsaw), and the last person sentenced to death and executed in Poland for economy-related crimes after 1956.
The video features the members of Scooter riding around the German town of Wernigerode, where they travel around on a Czech military truck Praga V3S with giant speakers attached.