Mademoiselle Deluzy-Desportes is governess to the four children of the Duc de Praslin (Charles Boyer) and the Duchesse de Praslin (Barbara O'Neil) in Paris during the last years of the Orleans monarchy.
Botanist Labillardière noted that the Coco de Mer Palm, Lodicea maldivica from the island of Praslin in the Seychelles (botanically notable for its 'double' coconut, the largest seed in he world) was cultivated at the Pamplemousses gardens where it had been planted in 1769.
Praslin: Which Picault calls Isle de Palmes because of the large tracts of palm forests on the island.
In June 2008 a new Internet cafe opened on Praslin, set up in the district administration office at Baie Ste Anne, under the sponsorship of the Jj Spirit Foundation, the Lions Club of Paradise Seychelles and Cable & Wireless.
It is found on all the islands with amphibians, namely Mahé, Praslin, Silhouette, Ste. Anne, Curieuse, La Digue, Cerf, and Frégate.