
3 unusual facts about Preemption


Preemption Line, the line that divided the Indian lands of western New York State, that had been awarded to New York, from those that had been awarded to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by the Treaty of Hartford of 1786

Preempt, a type of bid and a bidding tactic in contract bridge

"Preemption" is also sometimes used in the United States to refer to the displacing effect state laws might have on ordinances enacted by municipalities, especially in the context of alcoholic beverage laws, gun laws, zoning laws banning hydrofracking, and in the area of FDA approved pharmaceuticals.

Caleb Nelson

Nelson is the author of the highly cited article "Preemption", which appeared in March 2000 issue of the Virginia Law Review.

Preemption Line

1792 Nov - Benjamin Ellicott begins survey of the second (true) preemption line

Williamson v. Mazda

In a unanimous decision handed down on February 23, 2011, the Court unanimously (8-0, with Justice Elena Kagan not taking part in this case) reversed the California courts and held that federal preemption does not apply.

see also