
3 unusual facts about President of Estonia

Chancellor of Justice

The Chancellor of Justice is appointed to office by the Riigikogu (parliament) on the proposal of the President for a seven-year term.

Harald Tammer

Former President of Rotary Club Tallinn and member of the privat 100 Men's Club named Centum Club (et: Centumi klubi, also known Sajamehe klubi) led by President of Estonia Konstantin Päts.


In addition to approving legislation, the Riigikogu appoints high officials, including the Prime Minister and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and elects (either alone or, if necessary, together with representatives of local government within a broader electoral college) the President.

Electronic voting in Estonia

This was challenged in August 2005 by Arnold Rüütel, the President of Estonia, who saw the new e-voting provisions in the Local Government Council Election Act as a breach of the principle of equality of voting.

Indirect election

Many republics with parliamentary systems elect their president indirectly (Germany, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, India, Israel).

Jokela school shooting

EstoniaPresident Toomas Hendrik Ilves sent a message of condolences on behalf of the Estonian people to President Halonen, saying he had been shocked and saddened by the news.

see also

Estonia's Friends International Meeting

The main speakers at the annual symposium "Quo vadis Estonia?" were the President of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves; Stanford University Professor Dr. James S. Fishkin and CEO of Ericsson Mr. Hans Vestberg.

Michalis Zampelas

In 2005 the President of Estonia awarded him the title of the Order of the National Coat of Arms.


Arnold Rüütel (born 1928), politician, President of Estonia 2001–2006


Toomas Hendrik Ilves (born 1953), Estonian politician, current President of Estonia