
unusual facts about President of Israel

Eshel HaNasi

A school was established on the site in 1951, and took its name from the tamarisk trees that grow in the region, and from the title of the President of Israel, in honor of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann.


The ceremony performed at the Western Wall in 2001 was led by the President of Israel, Moshe Katzav.

Herzliya Conference

The Herzliya Conference, hosted by the Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya, is Israel's center stage for the articulation of national policy by its most prominent leaders, including the Israeli President, the Prime Minister, the IDF Chief of General Staff, and the leading contenders for high political office.

Indirect election

Many republics with parliamentary systems elect their president indirectly (Germany, Italy, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, India, Israel).

Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The Academy's home is next door to the official residence of the President of Israel and the Council for Higher Education in Israel in Albert Einstein Square in Jerusalem

Joseph Klausner

The two were candidates in the presidential election of 1949; Weizmann was declared the first President of Israel.

Moshe Efrati

Efrati worked with the former president of Israel, Yitzhak Navon, setting his words to dance with music, for Israel’s 1982 celebration of the 25th anniversary of the retaking of Jerusalem.

World Jewish Relief

Founding members included Simon Marks, chairman and managing director of Marks & Spencer, Sir Robert Waley Cohen, managing director of Shell Oil, Lionel and Anthony de Rothschild, managing partners of N M Rothschild & Sons, and Dr Chaim Weizmann, who would later become the first President of Israel.

Yeshivat Ma'alot

The Yeshiva is named after Rabbi Dr. Ya'akov Herzog, son of the late Chief Rabbi of Israel Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog and brother of the late President of Israel Chaim Herzog.

see also

Bernard H. Lavenda

Having passed the entrance examination for the doctoral program at the Weizmann Institute of Science, he began experimental work on enzymes under the direction of Ephraim Katzir, who was later to become the President of Israel.

Ellis Hillman

Hillman was born into a political family, related both to American labour leader Sidney Hillman and Chaim Herzog, sixth president of Israel.

Jelena Tomašević

The lyricist of the song is the president of Israel, Shimon Peres.


Zalman Shazar (1889-1974), Israeli politician, author, and poet (3rd President of Israel)


Zalman Shazar (president of Israel 1963–1973) believed that it was written by an Ashekenazi rabbi active in Constantinople (now Istanbul) in the second half of the 15th century.