One member is appointed by the President pro tempore of the Oklahoma Senate, one member is appointed by the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, and the third member is appointed by the President of the Oklahoma Bar Association.
Henry S. Johnston, of Perry, was sworn into office as the first president pro tempore on November 16, 1907, the same day Oklahoma was admitted U.S. state.
President | President of the United States | United States Senate | Oklahoma | Senate | Vice President of the United States | president | Vice President | Oklahoma City | Tulsa, Oklahoma | New York State Senate | University of Oklahoma | President of the Philippines | Pro Bowl | President of France | Pro Football Hall of Fame | New Jersey Senate | Minnesota Senate | President of India | Lord President of the Council | Oklahoma! | Norman, Oklahoma | Louisiana State Senate | California State Senate | President of Germany | Senate of Canada | Governor of Oklahoma | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary | United States Senate elections, 2004 | President of Pakistan |
He is currently serving on President pro tempore of the Oklahoma Senate Brian Bingman's leadership staff as senior policy advisor and legal counsel.
Henry S. Johnston (Constitution Convention President Pro Tempore, seventh Governor of Oklahoma, first President pro tempore of the Oklahoma Senate)