Domino Rally was a toy product manufactured by Pressman Toys in the 1980s and early 1990s and began being sold by Goliath Games in 2012.
Pressman was born in New York City, the son of Lynn and Jack Pressman, known as the "King of Marbles", who founded the Pressman Toy Corporation.
minus the design of the survey board (similarly but not quite looking to that of Family Fortunes) and the brick wall pattern replacing the stairs artwork, the cover art looks pretty much similar to the Pressman/Croner versions from the US in 1990 and Australia in 1989 respectively.
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | Oracle Corporation | International Finance Corporation | Chevron Corporation | Digital Equipment Corporation | News Corporation | Lockheed Corporation | corporation | Toy Story | Hearst Corporation | Scholastic Corporation | Northrop Corporation | Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation | Gibson Guitar Corporation | CBS Corporation | Fender Musical Instruments Corporation | ITT Corporation | Sharp Corporation | RAND Corporation | NCR Corporation | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | Sperry Corporation | Singer Corporation | Case Corporation | Science Applications International Corporation | Polaroid Corporation | Multinational corporation | Burroughs Corporation | Bendix Corporation |
Alongside his work as an artist, Ivan has been active as an inventor of games, puzzles, toys, educational aids and programmes which have been commercial successes under major manufacturers such as Hasbro, Pressman, Mattel, Peter Pan, Spears, Ravensburger, Childcraft, Invicta and many others.