
12 unusual facts about Singer Corporation

1911 in Scotland

March–April - Eleven thousand workers at the Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machine factory on Clydebank go on strike in solidarity with twelve female colleagues protesting against work process reorganisation.

Bisnis Indonesia

Bisnis Indonesia opened its first office in an ex Singer's sewing machine service center at Jalan Kramat V/8, Central Jakarta.

Duhamel, Quebec

Starting in 1925, the Singer Company, best known for its sewing machines, built a railway through Duhamel linking Thurso to Lake Montjoie (in Lac-Ernest unorganized territory).

Duncan Pryde

Pryde didn't last long in the Merchant Navy resigning due to an eye industry and went to work for Singer Corporation in a plant manufacturing sewing machines.

Elvis Sings Flaming Star

It spent five months available only at select retail stores featuring products by the Singer Sewing Machine Company as a promotional tie-in with Presley's upcoming Christmas television special on the NBC network, which Singer had sponsored.

Friden, Inc.

In 1965 the company was purchased by the Singer Corporation, but continued operation under the Friden brand name until 1974.

Lac-Ernest, Quebec

In the early 1920s, the Singer Company, manufacturer best known for its sewing machines, began logging the area.


Librascope was eventually purchased by Singer Corporation and moved into the manufacture of marine systems for the defense industry.

Red Clydeside

The 11,000 workers at the largest factory of Singer sewing machines factory, in Clydebank, went on strike in March–April 1911, ceasing to work in solidarity of 12 female colleagues protesting against work process reorganisation.


During his tenure as sub-district head, Cokrosunaryo had not accumulated much wealth, and in Cilacap he became a distributor of Singer sewing machines.

Thomas Welton Stanford

In Australia, he became a distributor for Singer sewing machines and rang up record sales, using innovative sales techniques such as time payment.


However, RCA had sold the patents and designs for its CCM terminal controller to Singer Corporation, so Univac developed an emulator device for the CCM which was known as the Multiterminal Connection Controller model 16, or MCC-16.

Everglades Club

Singer's father, Isaac Singer (1811-1875), had invented the sewing machine and Paris Singer had an income of one million dollars a year at this time.


Shortly after the World War II (1939-1945), the Singer Corporation established the Singer Sewing Machine Company, Japan, and set up production facilities in Nagoya.