Based on the true story, Bed of Lies tells the story of Vicky Moore (Susan Dey), a low born Texas waitress, marries Marion Price Daniel Jr., the son of Texas governor Price Daniel, Jr., thinking she is going to live happily ever after.
Daniel Boone | Vincent Price | The Price Is Right | Daniel Webster | Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Daniel Barenboim | Daniel Defoe | Daniel Amos | Daniel | Daniel O'Connell | Daniel Libeskind | Daniel Craig | Jack Daniel's | Daniel Radcliffe | Daniel Chester French | Sterling Price | Daniel Boulud | Robert M. Price | Daniel Dennett | Daniel Day-Lewis | Daniel Collopy | Daniel Buren | Daniel Auber | Daniel Johnston | Daniel Ellsberg | Daniel Stern | Daniel O'Donnell | Daniel Burnham | Daniel Nestor | Daniel Henney |
The other contestants were sitting Governor Marion Price Daniel, Sr., who sought an unprecedented fourth two-year term; Don Yarborough, a liberal lawyer and supporter of organized labor from Houston; former Attorney General Will Wilson, later a Republican convert, and retired Army General Edwin A. Walker, known for his staunch anti-communism.
He also represented Morganna, a.k.a. "The Kissing Bandit" and Vickie Daniel, who was the wife of Price Daniel, Jr..