2 Intelligence Company (abbreviated 2 Int Coy) is a Canadian Forces Primary Reserve intelligence unit based in Toronto, head-quartered at Denison Armoury, and is an asset of the 4th Canadian Division.
United States Navy Reserve | Buxa Tiger Reserve | primary election | United States Army Reserve | Case Western Reserve University | Naval Reserve | primary school | nature reserve | Reserve Officers' Training Corps | Federal Reserve System | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | Federal Reserve Bank | Reserve Bank of India | Reserve Bank of Australia | Air Force Reserve Command | Royal Naval Reserve | reserve | Primary school | Indian reserve | IB Primary Years Programme | Primary election | Military reserve force | Western Reserve Academy | Nature reserve | Basin Reserve | Reserve | Primary School | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco | United States Marine Corps Reserve | United States Coast Guard Reserve |
49th (Sault Ste. Marie) Field Artillery Regiment, R.C.A. is a Canadian Forces Primary Reserve regiment based in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Dalton Armoury is a Canadian Forces Primary Reserve facility located at 37 Mid-Dominion Acres, in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
This regiment exists today as The Lincoln and Welland Regiment, a primary reserve regiment of the Canadian Forces based out of St. Catharines, Ontario.
The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada (formed 1909), Primary reserve infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan gave his opinion in September 2007 that the euro could indeed replace the US dollar as the world's primary reserve currency.
The Governor General's Foot Guards, a Canadian Primary Reserve Unit, have often been called upon to perform additional public duties in Ottawa since their inception in 1872.