cowslips and salad burnet flower in the spring, followed in summer to the customary flowers of traditional hay meadow: lady's bedstraw and birdsfoot trefoil.
Primula | Primula vulgaris | Primula veris | Primula rosea | Primula mosaic virus | Primula auricula |
The site also support a variety of typical limestone grassland plants which include Common Rock-rose, Cowslip, Lady's Bedstraw, Common Restharrow, Dwarf Thistle, Burnet-saxifrage, Field Scabious, Quaking-grass and Green-winged Orchids.
Not only do they attract many Stockholmers of all ages, they also have an impact on the local fauna as they eat reed and Tufted Hair-grass, thus preventing these species from taking over the area – and thereby allowing space to flowers such as Cowslips and Bitter vetch, as well as birds and insects attracted by water.