In operation since September 2006, and created by John Brownstein, PhD and Clark Freifeld, MS, HealthMap acquires data from a variety of freely available electronic media sources (e.g. ProMED-mail, Eurosurveillance, Wildlife Disease Information Node) to obtain a comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases.
A ProMED-mail post described the epizootic and subsequent cancellations of festivities as being reminiscent of Britain's February 19, 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak, and even more so of an outbreak in Japan beginning late March 2010, which was caused by the same strain of the virus.
He was the founding chair of a nonprofit organization called ProMED (Program to Monitor Emerging Diseases) and was one of the originators of ProMED-mail, an international network inaugurated by it in 1994 for disease outbreak reporting and monitoring using the Internet.
ProMED-mail | ProMED |