Processional hymn, a hymn or plainchant sung during a Christian procession
A processional way leads up the mountain in the form of a Z and passes three sites which its discoverer Friedrich Karl Dörner marked as Sites I–III.
To the west of the baptistery is the processional route that leads towards Deir Semaan.
Artifacts include El Incunable de Monterrey, the first book published in Galicia in 1494, Enrique de Arfe's processional cross, 13th-century enamels from Limoges, the so-called Treasure of San Rosendo and the oldest Christian tombstone in Galicia from Baños de Bande.
A processional hymn is a chant, hymn or other music sung during the Procession, usually at the start of a Christian service although occasionally during the service itself.
The processional hymns include "Of the Father's Heart Begotten" (Corde natus ex parentis, by Prudentius), "Ride on! ride on in majesty!" (by H. H. Milman), "Hail thee, Festival Day!" (Salve, festa dies, by Venantius Fortunatus) and "Jerusalem, my happy home" (by F.B.P. c. 1580).
The Brahmotsavam is held for a total of 9 days when the processional image of the Goddess is decorated in various forms of Shakti and mounted on different Vahanas and is brought out in procession around the temple corridors accompanied by music.
At the conclusion of a state arrival ceremony, the President returns to the White House - generally entering either via the Blue Room or the Diplomatic Reception Room - to the fanfare Presidential Processional.
The Victory Cross (Asturian and Spanish: Cruz de la Victoria) is an early 10th century Asturian Christian ornamented processional cross, which was, as an inscription says, made in 908 in the Castle of Gauzón (Avilés, Spain).