
unusual facts about Prolegomena

Carlo Maria Curci

He later wrote for Vincenzo Gioberti, Antonio Rosmini-Serbati and other advocates for reform; Cerci wrote a preface to Gioberti's Primato (1843), but dissented from his Prolegomena.

Epistemological particularism

Since the question "What do we know" implies that we know, particularism is considered fundamentally anti-skeptical, and was ridiculed by Kant in the Prolegomena.

Eustathios Makrembolites

Edition of both romance and riddles by Isidor Hilberg (1876), who fixes the date of Eustathius between 850 and 988, with critical apparatus and prolegomena, including the solutions;

George Burges

EF Poppo's Prolegomena to Thucydides (1837), an abridged translation with critical remarks

see also