Proletarian internationalism | Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians | Proletarian University (disambiguation) | Proletarian University | Proletarian Society of China | Proletarian revolution | Proletarian Party of America | Proletarian literature | proletarian literature |
For instance, Armistício de Iperoig (or "Iperoig's truce"), for FAAP (1962); the panel Operário (or "Proletarian") in Avenida Moreira Guimarães, in São Paulo city (1979), murals in Avenida Paulista, and in Diário Popular's building.
The avantgarde soon split, however, into the radical proletarian socialist and communist authors (Wolker, Seifert, Neumann, Karel Teige, Antonín Matěj Píša, Hora, Jindřich Hořejší), the Catholics (Durych, Deml), and to the centrists (brothers Čapek, Dyk, Fischer, Šrámek, Langer, Jan Herben).
He was part of the group "proletarian literature" and had a great success for his short story collection Hôtel du Nord which won the du Prix du roman populiste and was filmed in 1938 by Marcel Carné.
The Bolshevik, Mikhail Tomsky, proposed the resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".
--on what date?--> He Lüting, who had drawn fire from a proletarian-minded critic for defending the music of Claude Debussy, was subjected to a physically abusive interrogation but refused to apologize.
Uchiyama also supported Kaji's ex-wife, a proletarian musician named Sakura Kono, and his second wife, Yuki Ikeda, who Kaji remarried soon after he escaped Shanghai.
The director Karlheinz Martin and dramaturg Rudolf Leonhard, both of whom had worked on the Toller production, formed the "Proletarian Theatre of the League for Proletarian Culture" (Proletarisches Theater des Bundes für proletarische Kultur).
In 1918 he attended the Fourth All Russian Conference of Trade Unions (12–17 March), where he moved a resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October Revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".
At the Fourth All Russian Conference of Trade Unions (12-17 March 1918) the Bolsehvik Mikhail Tomsky proposed a resolution concerning the Relations between the Trade Unions and the Commissariat for Labour which stated that the October revolution had changed "the meaning and character of state organs and significance of proletarian organs as well".
Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of internationalist class struggle, it identified "class struggle between nations", and sought to resolve internal class struggle in the nation while it identified Germany as a proletarian nation fighting against plutocratic nations.
A similar conception was invoked in Germany during World War I by Johann Plenge, who advocated a "National Socialism" and described the war as being between a "proletarian" Germany versus a "capitalist" Britain.
Keracher's work with Detroit's Proletarian University had brought him into close contact with Charles H. Kerr, founder of Charles H. Kerr & Co., the largest Marxist publishing house in the United States.
Proletarian Party of America was involved in the Proletarian University set up in Detroit.
Proletkult was involved in setting up the Proletarian University in Russia in 1918.
Vpered, a grouping within the Bolshevik Party set up a prototype Proletarian University on the Isle of Capri in 1908.
In the summer of 1919, Rogozinsky's proposal to turn the Proletarian University into the Sverdlov Proletarian University - a proposal accompanied by restrictions in scope limited to creating a training school for government and party officials.
Through his family, teachers, classmates and diverse friends, Baroja draws a merciless painting of the bourgeois and proletarian 19th century inhabitants of Madrid.
The charges include killing of 22 civilians on 25 October 1991, after the a tank company of the Yugoslav People's Army 12th Proletarian Mechanised Brigade, supported by Serb paramilitaries, captured the village.
Then, mounting the steps of the Local Town Hall, he fired into the air to summon the crowd with his two trade mark Webley Revolvers, giving a rousing speech that called upon the Proletarian Class of Yugoslavia to destroy the Beasts of Fascism, uttering the legendary words that became the rallying cry of the Yugoslav Communist Party: "Death to Fascism, Freedom for the People".