
unusual facts about Promises, Promises

2003 in the Palestinian territories

June 4 – "Road map" for peace: Israeli Prime Minister Sharon promises to dismantle illegal settlements in the West Bank, while new Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas renounces all terrorism against Israel.


Sreekandan once tries to introduce a double-agent (Sankaradi) in their midst who promises them to make spurious Brandy.

Ackley School District v. Hall

The Independent School District of Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa, promises to pay to Foster Brothers, or order at the Hardin County Bank at Eldora, Iowa, on the first day of May, 1872, five hundred dollars for value received, with interest at the rate of ten percent per annum, said interest payable semiannually, on the first day of May and November in each year thereafter at the Hardin County Bank at Eldora, on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached

Alan Birkinshaw

In 1986, Birkinshaw went to India where he directed an award winning film on the life of Jawaharlal Nehru, entitled But I Have Promises To Keep, which had been commissioned by Rajiv Gandhi and was made for the Government of India via Doordarshan, the national television network of India.

Ángel Amarilla

Born in Eusebio Ayala, Amarilla was signed by Valencia CF in the summer of 1999, being hailed as of one of the biggest promises in his country after playing as a 17-year-old for Atlético de Rafaela, which led his agent Eduardo Gamarnik trying to find a club for him in Europe.

Ann Rule

In 2008, the Library of America selected Rule’s story "Young Love" from the book Empty Promises for inclusion in its two-century retrospective of American true crime writing, True Crime: An American Anthology.

Banglar Nayok

And her adolescent 'Rokeya' (Shabana) promises with him these killers take most punishment venture.

Betty Boop for President

Betty's campaign promises win the crowd over, and she is voted into the White House by a landslide.


This voluntary exchange of promises constituted a contract that was broken inadvertently by Miss Smith when she died.

Carrie Brady

Lexie tries to plead her case and apologize, but Carrie doesn't care and promises to pay Lexie back by reporting her to the hospital board and the AMA, upon which Lexie is subsequently fired.

Characters of Blake's 7

Stephen Greif performed the role of Travis in the programme's first series, but declined an offer to return for the second series (but returned to play Travis in the Big Finish Liberator Chronicles audio drama story "Promises" written by Nigel Fairs).

Charles Drennan

At St Teresa's, the nine-year old Drennan was introduced by a teacher to the book Promises to Keep by Dr Tom Dooley about the Vietnam War.

Count Leopold Berchtold

However, Italian Foreign Minister Baron Sonnino succeeded in obtaining vague promises of compensations in South Tyrol from Germany and by the end of 1914, Count Berchtold informed the Crown Council that the choice was either acceptance of the Italian demands or a declaration of war.

Curse of the Cannibal Confederates

The film follows six young friends who unwillingly raise the undead corpses of Confederate soldiers, resulting in what the video box promises as a "a finger-licking good fright film".

Danny Matthys

In his youth, Matthys was a gifted cyclist in the category of ’promises’, together with André Dierickx, which later won famous classics such as the La Flèche Wallonne, but a very serious accident during the last years of his humanities studies in Ghent and a long rehabilitation, gave his life a strong new direction.

Die Hippie, Die

The rest of the town then pleads with Cartman to rid the town of the hippies; Cartman eventually agrees to help, but only after Randy promises to offer a Tonka radio-controlled bulldozer and Kyle's mother assures Cartman that Kyle will never have one, instead having to watch Cartman playing with the bulldozer.

Donald Brooks

In addition to his work on Seventh Avenue, Mr. Brooks also designed the costumes for numerous Broadway plays, including Promises, Promises, No Strings, and Barefoot in the Park; television shows including The Letter, The Two Mrs. Grenvilles; and feature length motion pictures such as Star!, Darling Lili and The Cardinal, being nominated for the Academy Award for Costume Design for all three films.

Donna McKechnie

In April, 1968, McKechnie was back on Broadway in the short-lived musical version of Leo Rosten's collection of short stories The Education of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P*L*A*N, which led to a featured role in Burt Bacharach and Hal David's Promises, Promises, choreographed by Bennett.

E. J. Peaker

She co-starred with Robert Morse in the 1968 musical television series That's Life and played Minnie Fay in the 1969 movie Hello, Dolly! She was the associate producer of the 1993 made-for-TV movie Broken Promises: Taking Emily Back.

Electronic health record

Title IV of the act promises maximum incentive payments for Medicaid to those who adopt and use "certified EHRs" of $63,750 over 6 years beginning in 2011.

Ethirum Pudhirum

A female leader of a major political party is kidnapped by a terrorist Veeraiyan(Nassar) and he promises to return her back if his injured brother Arasappan (Napoleon) is treated well and brought back safely.

First Aid for Dora

Later, having won some money on the Derby, Corcoran promises his friends a night out, but returning home to dress, he finds Bowles has let Ukridge borrow his evening suit.

History of Newfoundland and Labrador

In 2004, Premier Williams has argued that Prime Minister Paul Martin had not held up his promises for a new deal on the "Atlantic Accord".

Honeymoon in Vegas

He arranges a crooked poker game (with Jerry Tarkanian as one of the other players) where Jack borrows $65,000 after being dealt a straight flush (7-8-9-10-Jack of clubs), only to lose to the gambler's higher straight flush (8-9-10-Jack-Queen of hearts); Tommy, however, promises to erase the debt - if he can spend the weekend with Singer's fiancée.

Jane Summerhays

Summerhays also appeared in several Off-Broadway and regional theater productions including Sympathy Jones, Camilla, Broadway Gypsies, Good News, and Promises, Promises.

Journal of Irreproducible Results

Astronomer Norman Sperling, an assistant editor at Sky & Telescope magazine, became editor and publisher of the Journal in 2004, with promises to rejuvenate it.

Koen Andries

In 2005 he and his team published a discovery about a new di-Aryl-Quinoline-based drug (R207910) which promises a shorter and simpler treatment for Tuberculosis (TB).

Margaret Blair Young

Her most recent works are a fictional trilogy of historical fiction about Black Mormon pioneers titled Standing on the Promises, co-authored with Darius Gray.

Margaret Mary Alacoque

In James Joyce's short story "Eveline", part of his Dubliners, a "coloured print of the promises made to Blessed Margaret Mary Alacoque" is mentioned as part of the decorations of an Irish home at the turn of the 20th Century, testifying to her enduring popularity among Irish Catholics.

Marie McDonald

In 1963, she made her last appearance in the film, Promises! Promises!, opposite a naked Jayne Mansfield.

Monarchy of Finland

In 1742, following the Russian occupation of Finland in the Russo-Swedish War (1741–1743) and vague promises of making the country independent, the four estates gathered in Turku and decided to ask Empress Elizabeth of Russia if the then Duke Peter of Holstein-Gottorp, great-nephew of the late king Charles XII of Sweden, could be proclaimed as the King of Finland.

Monarchy of Jamaica

Many employees of the Crown were once required by law to recite an oath of allegiance to the monarch before taking their posts, in reciprocation to the sovereign's Coronation Oath, wherein he or she promises "to govern the Peoples of ... Jamaica ... according to their respective laws and customs".

New South Wales state election, 1956

Labor's election promises included making the supply of state housing a top priority, reviving the State Bank which had been under the control of the federal government since 1932 and revitalizing the state's railways including the long delayed Eastern Suburbs line.

Nino Host Venturi

In May 1919, Host-Venturi went to Milan to meet Benito Mussolini, from which he obtained promises of support, and immediately after, under the auspices of Giovanni Giuriati he arranged several meetings in Rome with Gabriele D'Annunzio and was instrumental in organising his Impresa di Fiume.

Paths of Possession

Paths of Possession entered Mana Recording Studios / Razzor Media in St. Petersburg, Florida to record Promises in Blood, with renowned metal producer Erik Rutan (Hate Eternal, Soilent Green, Into the Moat).

Promises to Keep

Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment is a book written by William Fisher, the WilmerHale Professor of Intellectual Property at Harvard Law School and the faculty director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society. It was released by Stanford University Press in August 2004.


Although he toys with Picard while asking to be allowed to attend the wedding festivities, he promises to behave himself.

Rob Fisher

Naked Eyes' two biggest hits were their rendition of the Burt Bacharach song "Always Something There to Remind Me", and the self-penned "Promises, Promises".


Official minority status for Poles in Germany has never been restored nor Nazi-confiscated property returned, in spite of numerous promises and declarations by various German governments and European Community reports.

San Cristóbal Acasaguastlán

The colonial Cathedral of San Cristobal of 1654 is being restored, and promises to be on a par with the cathedrals and churches found in Antigua.

Steven Norris

His platform included promises to open the Tube until 3am on Fridays and Saturdays and a "zero tolerance" approach to crime adapted from New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, whom he met to discuss strategies to combat crime in April 2004.

The Also People

Through his cleverness, Tsuro frees the leopard from her influence and in revenge Danhamakatu promises to take the life of one of his friends.

Tommy Noonan

Noonan appeared in a few B movies including Promises! Promises! (1963) with Jayne Mansfield and Three Nuts in Search of a Bolt (1964) with Mamie Van Doren, which he also directed, wrote and produced.

Transcendental Meditation

Skolnick, Andrew "Maharishi Ayur-Veda: Guru's Marketing Scheme Promises the World Eternal 'Perfect Health'!", JAMA 1991;266:1741–1750,October 2, 1991.

Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca

Article XII-The Sublime Porte promises to use its power and influence to assist the Court of Russia when the court has the intention of making any commercial treaty with the regencies of Africa (Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, etc.).

Veljko Milatović

The same year he became one of the key people within the Commission for Njegoš's Monument, designated to design a Museum for Petar II Petrović-Njegoš which was about to be built in the place of his Chapel raised by Danilo that was to be destroyed, despite his personal promises to the Serbian Orthodox Church's Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral that no such move shall be taken as long as he's alive.


Following a tour supporting Pearl Jam, and festival appearances in the UK, the band rented a house in the Scottish Highlands to begin writing the follow-up to The Remote Part.

see also

Lisa Hordijk

Lisa's third single from the album is "Promises, Promises" written by Pixie Lott, Martin Sutton and Chris Neill.