
4 unusual facts about Danny Matthys

Danny Matthys

In his youth, Matthys was a gifted cyclist in the category of ’promises’, together with André Dierickx, which later won famous classics such as the La Flèche Wallonne, but a very serious accident during the last years of his humanities studies in Ghent and a long rehabilitation, gave his life a strong new direction.

Matthys first studied Textile Design at the Hogeschool Gent and then at both of the School of Arts and Architecture and the Hogeschool Gent completed higher art formation and training in the monumental arts.

He was co-founder and professor of the Department Mixed Media within the KASK (art academy) of Hogeschool Gent.

Hugo Debaere

Debaere was guest lecturer at the Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussels, Well known is the invitation to Wiesbaden, where he collaborated with his friend, the artist and his former teacher Danny Matthys.

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