
2 unusual facts about Proof

Jeffrey Sharp

Sharp has produced a series of Academy Award winning and Golden Globe nominated films over the past ten years like Boys Don't Cry, You Can Count on Me, Nicholas Nickleby and Proof.

Principle of explosion

Proof-theoretic paraconsistent logics usually deny the validity of one of the steps necessary for deriving an explosion, typically including disjunctive syllogism, disjunction introduction, and reductio ad absurdum.

Abu Salem

When Salem was in Lisbon fighting India's extradition attempt, the only proof that he was indeed Salem was provided by the fingerprint and photographs taken after his arrest by A A Khan.

ADE classification

Arnold terms these "trinities" to evoke religion, and suggest that (currently) these parallels rely more on faith than on rigorous proof, though some parallels are elaborated.

Adriaen van Diest

He also painted portraits, but did not meet with much encouragement, although his pictures, particularly his landscapes, possess considerable merit; as a proof of which Horace Walpole states that there were seven pictures by Van Diest in Sir Peter Lely's collection.


This allowed consignment tracking and proof of delivery imagery to be made available to clients on demand via an internet portal.

Artur Ekert

His subsequent work with John Rarity and Paul Tapster, from the Defence Research Agency (DRA) in Malvern, resulted in the proof-of-principle experimental quantum key distribution, introducing parametric down-conversion, phase encoding and quantum interferometry into the repertoire of cryptography.

Barbera d'Asti

The first written proof of vinification is stored in the city hall of Nizza Monferrato and dates back to the seventeenth century.

Brouwer fixed-point theorem

There is also a quick proof, by Morris Hirsch (indeed by Elon Lages Lima), based on the impossibility of a differentiable retraction.


Ceradyne is also the producer of ceramic Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts (E-SAPI) for the US Army's Interceptor body armor, and the blast-proof components of the Ceradyne BULL MRAP/MMPV vehicle project.


The rubric containing this direction was added to the Book of Common Prayer in 1662; and there is proof that the development of the chimere into at least a choir vestment was subsequent to the Reformation.

Corruption in Ireland

Among those who received loans from Fingleton include; Charlie McCreevy, Don Lydon, Francis O'Brien and Celia Larkin who received a loan without requiring any proof of income.

Dickman function

V. Ramaswami of Andhra University later gave a rigorous proof that \Psi(x,x^{1/a}) was asymptotic to x \rho(a), with the error bound

Double Mersenne number

In the Futurama movie The Beast with a Billion Backs, the double Mersenne number M {M 7} is briefly seen in "an elementary proof of the Goldbach conjecture".

Dutty Wine

Although there is proof in a video with one of the crowned Dancehall Queens named Mad Michelle first performing the dance in front of a crowd.

Fictional city

A fictional city refers to a town, city or village that is made up for fictional stories, and does not exist in real life, or refers to a settlement that people believe exist without definitive proof, such as Plato's account of Atlantis which some believed was fiction while others believed it existed.

Fold-and-cut theorem

The first proof of the fold-and-cut theorem, solving the problem, was published in 1999 by Erik Demaine, Martin Demaine, and Anna Lubiw.

Gripping Sailor's hitch

The Gripping Sailor's Hitch(*) is a secure, jam-proof hitch used to tie one rope to another, or a rope to a pole, boom, spar, etc., when the pull is lengthwise along the object.

Heinz Kaminski

The tape recording from Bochum was proof of the start of space travel.

History of the East–West Schism

The rejection of Bishop Anicetus' position on the Quartodeciman, by Polycarp and later Polycrates' letter to Pope Victor I has been used by Orthodox theologians as proof against the argument that the Churches in Asia Minor accepted the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and or the teaching of Papal supremacy.

Imedi Media Holding

As a proof for their allegations, Georgia's General Prosecutor's Office released, on November 16, 2007, several taped phone conversations between Patarkatsishvili and Giorgi Targamadze, chief of Imedi TV’s political programs, and also between a producer and a journalist of Imedi TV.

Jon L. Mills

He has appeared on CNN's "Burden of Proof," Public Television's "Lehr Report," National Public Radio, ABC, BBC and other media.

Juliana FitzGerald, Lady of Thomond

And since Emmeline's heiress was Maud La Zouche, wife of Robert de Holland, 1st Baron Holand, and the granddaughter of her elder sister, Ela Longespee, this is further proof that she died childless.

Kleene's recursion theorem

The sequence Fk used in this proof corresponds to the Kleene chain in the proof of the Kleene fixed-point theorem.

Lilly Téllez

Téllez "proof" was too weak, and the timing suspicious – just before Francisco Gil announced, as part of his work in Fox's government, sanctions to TV Azteca's owner Ricardo Salinas Pliego for illegal profit from privileged information both in the United States stock market (where he is prosecuted under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act) and in the Mexican one in operations related to his cell-phone company Unefon.

Liudvikas Jakavičius

It is worth mentioning that in our days the Jakavičius – Grimalauskas Dynasty continuing related with European nobility and monarchy, proof of that was the relationsship as "fiance" of Marcia Bell and HRH Gonzalo de Borbón y Dampierre, Duke of Aquitaine and grandson of Spanish monarchs Alfonso XIII & Queen Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg (also granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom).

Manabendra Mukhopadhyay

The proof of this is in the fact that many audio compilations from HMV still includes this song and it is played by many radio stations.

Marie-Lucie Tarpent

and for her proof of the affiliation of the Tsimshianic languages to the Penutian language group.

Matthew Cook

Cook presented his proof at the Santa Fe Institute conference CA98 before the publishing of Wolfram's book—an action that led Wolfram Research to accuse Cook of violating his NDA and resulted in the blocking of the publication of the proof in the conference proceedings.


Using the design ideas implemented in Metamath, Raph Levien has implemented what might be the smallest proof checker in the world, mmverify.py, at only 500 lines of Python code.

Music from and Inspired by the Motion Picture 8 Mile

50 Cent in Proofs verse the word "shit" is uncensored (even on the clean version) and in Eminem's verse the words White House and Cheney are censored on both Edited and Explicit versions

Nahum Galmor

According to the Dutch daily newspaper NRC Handelsblad the Israeli prosecutor does not have any proof that the money for the purchase of Thermphos was Gaydamak's.

Negative result

Proof of impossibility, a proof that a particular problem cannot be solved.

Neočekivana Sila Koja Se Iznenada Pojavljuje i Rešava Stvar

In 2001, the band appeared on the Munje! movie soundtrack with the theme "Disaster", and the song "Bullet Proof (Remix Cycle 99)", appeared on the Apsolutnih 100 (The Absolute 100) movie soundtrack.


In the first episode of the TV series Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman Clark Kent applies for a job at the Daily Planet newspaper, producing an article on Knob-Tailed Geckos as proof of his writing skills.


The Clay Mathematics Institute is offering a US $1 million reward to anyone who has a formal proof that P=NP or that P≠NP.

Official Roll of the Baronetage

Only those persons listed on the Official Roll are members of the baronetage, and any person who wishes to claim succession to a baronetcy must produce the necessary proof of succession to the Secretary of State for Justice.

Paul Wolfskehl

Andrew Beal, a Dallas banker who has offered $100,000 for a proof or disproof of Beal's conjecture

Provable security

An early example of such requirements and proof was given by Goldwasser and Micali for semantic security and the construction based on the quadratic residuosity problem.


The rejection of Bishop Anicetus' position on the Quartodeciman by Polycarp, and later Polycrates' letter to Pope Victor I, has been used by Orthodox theologians as proof against the argument that the Churches in Asia Minor accepted the Primacy of the Bishop of Rome and or the teaching of Papal supremacy.

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences

After having reached the B2/C1 level, international students may participate in the external TestDaF, the most important German language proficiency exam for foreign students officially recognized by all of German universities as proof of language competency.

Singular cardinals hypothesis

Gitik, building on work of Woodin, was able to replace the supercompact in Silver's proof with a measurable of Mitchell order \kappa^{++} .

The Capitol Albums, Volume 2

Instead, the CDs were mastered from mixes prepared by Capitol A&R executive Dave Dexter, Jr., who, in 1965 took the submaster tapes from Capitol Records' vaults and added reverb to several tracks and simulated stereo on mono tracks (the proof that these are Dexter's mixes being the false start on "I'm Looking Through You").

Thomas B. Warren

In his two debates on the existence of God, Warren prefers versions of the Teleological Argument for the existence of God, using (in his debate with Flew) the alveoli in the lungs and the process of oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange as proof for an intelligent designer; in his debate with Matson, he used the circulatory system.

Timeline of number theory

1260 — Al-Farisi gave a new proof of Thabit ibn Qurra's theorem, introducing important new ideas concerning factorization and combinatorial methods.

Tom Horne

Horne personally argued at the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of Arizona’s law that requires proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

Topf and Sons

After 1939, and the demonstration or "proof of concept" that the firm could design an incinerator which would handle large numbers of corpses, Nazi officials further contracted Topf and Sons to provide similar incineration furnaces for the Belzec, Dachau, Mauthausen, Gusen Concentration Camps, and larger industrial incinerators especcialy designed for Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Transcendence theory

Stephen Schanuel conjectured that the answer is n, but no proof is known.

Wardenclyffe Tower

Wardenclyffe Tower (1901–1917) also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early wireless transmission tower designed by Nikola Tesla in Shoreham, New York and intended for commercial trans-Atlantic wireless telephony, broadcasting, and proof-of-concept demonstrations of wireless power transmission.

William Thurston

The proof that every Haefliger structure on a manifold can be integrated to a foliation (this implies, in particular that every manifold with zero Euler characteristic admits a foliation of codimension one).

see also