The rock wedge, which was several miles thick and several hundred miles long, consisted of Proterozoic rock formations.
The Blatchford Lake complex was created in the early Proterozoic, 2.14 Ga ago.
A north-northwest-trending crustal segment transects from Kaminak Lake (central Hearne Domain) in the south to Yathkyed Lake (northern Hearne Domain) in the northwest, consisting of Archaen supracrustal belts that preserve mostly Archean mafic to felsic volcanic rocks (greenschist-grade supracrustal and granitoids), metamorphic cooling of hornblende and Proterozoic biotite.
In 1947, paleontologist Reg Sprigg discovered the Ediacaran fauna -- the best-preserved fossil invertebrates of the billion-year-long Proterozoic eon.
The distribution of the Hormuz salt is controlled by the extent of late Proterozoic basins.