
6 unusual facts about Prothesis


This is carried by the priest from the Prothesis to the Holy Table, where it will remain until the Great Doxology near the end of Matins.

Following Communion, the Aër is placed, still folded, on the Diskos, together with the Spear, Spoon and Asterisk and little veils, and all are taken back to the Prothesis by the deacon.


During the Prothesis (Liturgy of Preparation, at which the wine and bread are prepared on the Table of Oblation), the priest will bless each prosphoron as he takes it up to remove particles and place them on the diskos (paten).

Antiochene Rite

Gradually the preparation of the oblation (Prothesis, the word also used for the credence table), before the actual liturgy begins, develops into an elaborate service.

Divine Liturgy

Offertory (or Prothesis) is the part of the liturgy in which the Sacramental bread (qorban) and wine (abarkah) are chosen and placed on the altar.

the Liturgy of Preparation, which includes the entry and vesting prayers of the priests and deacons and the Prothesis;

see also