
unusual facts about Proudhon

Allan Vainola

Vainola has also written music for several stageplays (e.g. "Ronja", "Huck", "Daamide õnn" ja "Mort, surma õpilane", and songs (e.g. "Riia mu arm", "Insener Garini hüperboloid", "Elagu Proudhon!", "Pille-Riin", "Subatlantiline kohtumine", "Eleegia", "1905" and "Kaks meest").

Paule Mink

In spite of her associations with the anarchist followers of Proudhon and Bakunin, she was not an anarchist.

The Civil War in France

He wrote an introduction to this edition, emphasizing the historical significance of the experience of the Paris Commune, and its theoretical generalization by Marx in The Civil War in France, and also providing additional information on the activities of the Communards from among the Blanquists and Proudhonists.

see also