
unusual facts about Prozac


Amateur pornography

Ellis Rubin acted as defence council and their defence was that her nymphomania was caused by the use of Prozac.

David Wong

David T. Wong (born 1936), Chinese-American scientist whose work contributed to the invention of Fluoxetine (Prozac)

Elizabeth Wurtzel

Despite Prozac Nations phenomenal success as an international bestseller, Wurtzel was nonetheless taken to court by her publisher Penguin in September of 2012 in an effort for the publisher to reclaim a $100,000 advance for a 2003 book contract for, "a book for teenagers to help them cope with depression" which Wurtzel failed to complete.


In her confessional memoir Prozac Nation, Elizabeth Wurtzel describes how she made a prepubescent attempt at suicide by taking an overdose of Atarax.

Prozac Nation

Prozac Nation (sub-titled Young and Depressed in America: A Memoir), an autobiography by Elizabeth Wurtzel, was published in 1994.

Robert K. Crane

Crane's discovery is also used in blockbuster drugs, such as the SSRI Prozac, which treat depression by inhibiting the Na/serotonin cotransporters in the brain.

The Happiness Hypothesis

Haidt discusses three ways of changing those automatic reactions: meditation, cognitive therapy, and SSRI medications such as Prozac.

Vitamin P

Fluoxetine (Prozac), euphemistically referred to as Vitamin P, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used for depression and various mental disorders

see also