However, the passage over the ridge of hills which shuts in on the south of the great Jezreel Valley was blocked by the Judean army led by Josiah, who may have considered that the Assyrians and Egyptians were weakened by the death of the pharaoh Psamtik I only a year earlier (610 BC), who had been appointed and confirmed by Assyrian kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal.
It could also be the sound of the goats, like 'bèèè' and with the suffix '-kos', Herodotus made it more Greek.
The pharaoh proceeded to establish close relations with Hellenic Greece and also encouraged many Greek settlers to establish colonies in Egypt and serve in the Egyptian army.
Tomb TT191, located in the necropolis of El-Assasif in Thebes in Egypt, is the tomb of Wahibre-Nebpehti, who was the chamberlain of the divine adoratrice and the director of the festival from the time of Psamtik I.
Montuemhat was 4th Prophet of Amun, Mayor of Thebes, Governor of Upper Egypt, and served during the reigns of Taharqa and Psamtik I.
Psamtik I | Psamtik II |