
unusual facts about Pteron


Pteron (Gr. πτερον – pteron — wing) is an architectural term used by Pliny the Elder for the peristyle of the tomb of Mausolus, which was raised on a lofty podium, and so differed from an ordinary peristyle raised only on a stylobate, as in Greek temples, or on a low podium, as in Roman temples.



The generic name combines Κιμωλία, Kimolia, the white clay of the island Kimolos (kimolia means "chalk" in New Greek) with a Latinised Greek πτερόν, pteron, "wing".


The genus name is derived from Manchu ge ge, the title of a princess, in reference to the dainty gracility of the specimen, and a Latinised Greek pteron, "wing".

Siphlonurus lacustris

Siphlonurus lacustris is a species of 'mayflies' belonging to the Family Siphlonuridae Order Ephemeroptera (from the Greek ephemeros = "short-lived", pteron = "wing", referred to the short life of adults).


The genus name is derived from Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, the main hero of the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West, and a Latinised Greek pteron, "wing".

see also