
2 unusual facts about Ptolemais

Ptolemy III Euergetes

Ptolemais - towns and cities named after members of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Via Maris

Beitzel, in contrast, denotes the Via Maris as a road from Ptolemais (Acco / Acre) to Kedesh.

Clementine literature

(R adds Dora and Ptolemais (Akko), omitting Byblos, 4.1.) Peter's discourses to the multitude at Tripolis are detailed in H (books 8–11), and in R (three days only, 4–6), with considerable differences.

Demetrius the Fair

Among his maternal aunts were queen Arsinoe II of Egypt and among his maternal uncles were pharaoh Ptolemy II Philadelphus and Macedonian King Ptolemy Keraunos (Keraunos was Ptolemais’ full blooded brother).

Kozani–Amyntaio railway

Industrial branch lines connect to the PPC power plants of Ptolemais and Agios Dimitrios, normally used by freight trains carrying light fuel oil.


The most important was Cyrene and its port Apollonia, Ptolemais (the next capital after Cyrene's destruction by an earthquake), Barca (the later Arab provincial capital Barka), Balagrae (by Bayda) and Berenice (modern Benghazi); also known as the Pentapolis inferior ('lower P.').

see also