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Such papers used to be kept separate from non-governmental papers, with state papers kept in the State Paper Office and general public records kept in the Public Records Office.
In 1888, (although this date is still used in all publicity material and for Centenary celebrations, research at Public Records Office in Kew has indicated that they arrived in 1890) Harris and Judith Grodzinski, bakers by trade, joined many members of the Jewish community in Tsarist Lithuania in migrating westward from Voronova - a shtetl near Lida, currently Belarus, establishing themselves in the East End of London.
His papers are held in the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland in Belfast and also in St Antony's College, Oxford.
The Irish Public Records Office was destroyed by the Irish Republican Army in 1922, in effect destroying one thousand years of records, including most of the records from that source quoted by Cogan.