Recently, some video games, such as the Max Payne third-person shooter series, have been portrayed in a film noir style, using heavy, gritty, dirty urban themes.
Pulp Fiction | Pinot noir | Pulp Fiction (film) | Pulp and paper industry | noir | Budapest Noir | Noir Désir | Pulp magazine | pulp magazine | Aura Noir | Arsenal Pulp Press | Zen Noir | pulp fiction | pulp and paper industry | Noir (fashion) | Michel Noir | L'Œuvre au noir | Douce noir | Bérurier Noir | Victor Noir | Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill | Pulp Fiction (soundtrack) | ''Pulp Fiction'' soundtrack | Pulp fiction (genre) | Pinot Noir | Noir (video game) | NOIR | Noir | Mauzac noir | Jim Noir |