
5 unusual facts about Punk in Brazil

Punk in Brazil

While in São Paulo, bands were closer to raw punk and hardcore, in the nation's capital, Brasília, punk rock bands were closer to new wave: those were bands like Aborto Elétrico, Legião Urbana, Capital Inicial and Plebe Rude.

The city's first punk band Pupilas Dilatadas remained active during this period, releasing an EP and participating in national compilations during the later part of the decade.

In 1983, inspired by the urgency of the message in the legendary Grito Suburbano album, the very first punk rock band from Porto Alegre was formed, Pupilas Dilatadas.

Then came AI-5 and N.A.I. (later known as Condutores de Cadáver) in São Paulo, as well as Carne Podre in Curitiba and Aborto Elétrico in Brasília.

After the first local band Aborto Elétrico began playing gigs in 1980, other groups emerged, such as Blitx 64 and Plebe Rude.

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