
unusual facts about Purbeck


The village is in the Piddle valley, just north of the Purbeck conifer plantations and heathland, in a valley beside the villages of Tolpuddle and Puddletown.

Karl Alfred von Zittel

His earlier work comprised a monograph on the Cretaceous bivalve mollusca of Gosau (1863–66); and an essay on the Tithonian stage (1870), regarded as equivalent to the Purbeck and Wealden formations.


Lytchett Matravers, large village in the Purbeck district of Dorset, England

Langton Matravers, village in the Purbeck district of Dorset, England

Purbeck Group

Other marine fossils are Hemicidaris purbeckensis and Ostrea distonta, the latter being abundant in the Cinder bed of the Middle Purbeck.

Purbeck Marble

Purbeck Marble is used by a number of contemporary sculptors, such as Emily Young.

Swanage railway station

Swanage lies at the tip of the Isle of Purbeck, a peninsula bordered by the English Channel to the south, and by the marshy lands of the River Frome and Poole Harbour to the north and east.

Turners Puddle

Turners Puddle is a hamlet in Dorset, England, situated on the River Piddle in the Purbeck district, seven miles north west of Wareham.

see also