
unusual facts about Tithonian

Karl Alfred von Zittel

His earlier work comprised a monograph on the Cretaceous bivalve mollusca of Gosau (1863–66); and an essay on the Tithonian stage (1870), regarded as equivalent to the Purbeck and Wealden formations.


Tithonian |


Several species of metriorhynchids are known from the Mörnsheim Formation (Solnhofen limestone, early Tithonian) of Bavaria, Germany: Dakosaurus maximus, Geosaurus giganteus, Cricosaurus suevicus and Rhacheosaurus gracilis.


The specimen was discovered in strata of the Kimmeridge Clay dating from the Tithonian, the final stage of the Late Jurassic, and belonging to the Pectinatites pectinatus ammonite zone, indicating the fossil is between 149.3 and 149 million years old.


Five are known from the Early Cretaceous; Pterolytoceras and Metalytoceras from the Valangian (Petrolytoceras may extend back to the Tithonian), Eulytoceras from the Hauterivian - Barremian, Argonauticeras and Pictetia from the Aptian - Albian.


Nqwebasaurus (pronounced: nnkweb-ah-sawr-us; in fact, "nq" is a nasal postalveolar click ŋǃ) is the name given to a genus of dinosaur sometime between the Tithonian to Valanginian (Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous).

Villar del Arzobispo Formation

The Villar del Arzobispo Formation's age in the area of Riodeva in Spain has been dated based on stratigraphic correlations as middle-upper Tithonian, approximately 145-141 million years old, placing it near the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary.

see also