Athmabodhar instructed Bodhendra Saraswati to proceed to Kanchipuram after obtaining Lakshmi Sreedhar's Bhagawan Nama Koumundhi from the author himself at Jagannatha Kshetram (Puri Jagannadh), and to compose a lakh of Bhagawan Nama slokas (sacred texts on lord) on the basis of Bhagawan Nama Koumundhi.
Puri | Om Puri | Puri district | Rajinder Puri | Puri District | Purà people | Puri Jagannadh | Wintering bird foraging ''matakakoni''-style, Puri | Swami Satyananda Puri (disambiguation) | Swami Satyananda Puri | purà | puri |
Though this film failed miserably at the box office, it won three Nandi Awards-Ravi Teja as best actor, best story by Puri Jagannadh and best fight sequences by Ram-Lakshman.