Part of the site is semi-deciduous woodland which has woodpeckers and muntjac deer, and butterflies including white-letter and purple hair-streaks.
An invertebrate survey in 1996 found the purple hairstreak butterfly, which frequents the tops of oak trees, and has been seen on only three sites in London.
They include the Silver-washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia), of which the valenzia form has been found, Purple Hairstreak (Quercusia quercus) and Marbled White (Melanargia golathea).
Roe Deer and Purple Hairstreak butterflies can both be seen here, as well as the extremely rare pearl-bordered fritillary and the small pearl-bordered fritillary.
Both Sessile Oak Quercus petraea and Pendunculate Oak Quercus robur, Britain's two native oaks are used and also some introduced species such as Turkey Oak Quercus cerris and Evergreen oak Quercus ilex.
Deep Purple | Purple Heart | The Color Purple | Purple Rain | The Color Purple (film) | Purple Hairstreak | White-letter Hairstreak | Purple-rumped Sunbird | Purple Rain (film) | Purple Gang | Tyrian purple | Purple Rain (album) | Purple people | Niagara Purple Eagles women's ice hockey | New Riders of the Purple Sage | The Purple Plain | The Purple Jar | The Purple Gang | Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon | Purple-crowned Fairywren | purple | Niagara Purple Eagles | The Purple Rose of Cairo (fictional film) | The Purple Rose of Cairo | The Purple Prince of Oz | Silky Hairstreak | Purple Rain (song) | Purple People Eaters | Purple (magazine) | purple loosestrife(''Lythrum salicaria'') |