
3 unusual facts about Puttgarden

Great Belt Fixed Link

Most people from Zealand still prefer taking the ferry between Puttgarden and Rødby, as it is a much shorter distance and provides a needed break for those travelling a long distance.


A train ferry terminal was built in Puttgarden in 1961-63 after the old ferry route from Germany lay to Denmark between Großenbrode and Gedser 1945-1963.


In 1941 work began to prepare for the expansion of the harbour in order to support a ferry connection between Rødbyhavn and Puttgarden.


Puttgarden |

Puttgarden station

In 1961, a large ferry terminal was built in Puttgarden and in 1963 it was put into operation together with the Fehmarn Sound Bridge, because the traditional ferry from Germany to Denmark between Rostock-Warnemünde and Gedser was at the time beyond the Iron Curtain, and the replacement route from Großenbrode Quay to Gedser was too complicated.

After the completion of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link (currently forecast in 2020), Puttgarden ferry station will be closed.

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