
2 unusual facts about PvdA


For Aosta Valley, a former political party in the Aosta Valley region of Italy: Pour la Vallée d'Aoste

Workers' Party of Belgium, a Belgian political party: Partij van de Arbeid van België


PvdA |

Drees-Van Schaik cabinet

Drees-Van Schaik (7 August 1948 – 15 March 1951), under prime minister Willem Drees, consisted of ministers of PvdA, KVP, VVD and CHU and two independent ministers.


The parliamentarians chose as their best politician the Socialist Party leader Jan Marijnissen, followed by CDA leader (and Prime Minister at the time) Jan Peter Balkenende, followed by Wouter Bos (leader of the PvdA).

Femke Halsema

After her break with the PvdA she had several smaller jobs: she wrote an editorial column in the newspaper Het Parool and in the IKON radio show De Andere Wereld ("The Other World").

First Drees cabinet

Drees I (15 March 1951 – 2 September 1952), was a Dutch cabinet under PM Willem Drees that consisted of ministers of PvdA, KVP, CHU, VVD and one independent minister.

IJsselmonde, Rotterdam

The executive committee of the district is formed by Marco Rook (chairman, PvdA), Karel Jungheim (economic affairs, CDA), Juan Jonas (safety, PvdA), Elbert Kelholt (culture, GroenLinks) and Wouter Boonzaaijer (finance, transport and environment, ChristenUnie - SGP).

Jacques Wallage

During this time, he dissuaded the PvdA leader at that time, Wim Kok, from engaging in debates with Socialist Party leader Jan Marijnissen.

Judith Merkies

J.A. (Judith) Merkies (born 28 September 1966, London, Ontario) is a Dutch politician for the Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid - PvdA).


Until 1990 it was a separate municipality, which boasted the title 'reddest (most socialist) municipality in the Netherlands', with a council of 11 containing 7 PvdA (Labour Party) members and 2 CPN (Communist Party) members.

Nol Maassen

Arnold (Nol) Maassen (August 18, 1922 in Amsterdam - July 3, 2009 in Langon, France) was a Dutch politician for the Labour Party (PvdA).

Second Balkenende cabinet

Important partners within Keer het Tij are the three main left-wing political parties, PvdA, SP and GroenLinks), the largest trade union, the FNV, environmental organisations like Greenpeace and Milieu Defensie, and organisations of migrants.

Second Drees cabinet

Drees II (2 September 1952 - 13 October 1956), was the third Dutch cabinet under prime minister Willem Drees, with ministers from PvdA, KVP, ARP and CHU and one independent minister.

Third Drees cabinet

Drees III (13 October 1956 - 22 December 1958), was the fourth Dutch cabinet under prime minister Willem Drees, with ministers from PvdA, KVP, ARP end CHU.

Union 55+

Some of the party's founders had been active within other parties such as the social-democratic PvdA and the socialist SP, but they felt that the larger parties neglected the interests of the elderly.

see also