The QR transformation was developed in the late 1950s by John G.F. Francis (England) and by Vera N. Kublanovskaya (USSR), working independently.
Rutishauer took an algorithm of Alexander Aitken for this task and developed it into the quotient–difference algorithm or qd algorithm.
The LR algorithm was developed in the early 1950s by Heinz Rutishauer, who worked at that time as a research assistant of Eduard Stiefel at ETH Zurich.
algorithm | RSA (algorithm) | Secure Hash Algorithm | Schönhage–Strassen algorithm | Luhn algorithm | Earley's Algorithm | Dijkstra's algorithm | CYK algorithm | Viterbi algorithm | Prim's algorithm | Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm | Kosaraju's algorithm | Yarrow algorithm | sorting algorithm | Root-finding algorithm | Kruskal's algorithm | Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction | Digital Signature Algorithm | Cayley–Purser algorithm | Blahut–Arimoto algorithm | Bellman–Ford algorithm | Algorithm | Verhoeff algorithm | Vatti clipping algorithm | Sorting algorithm | Secure Hash Algorithm (disambiguation) | Schoof's algorithm | Schoof–Elkies–Atkin algorithm | root-finding algorithm | Rete algorithm |