
3 unusual facts about QSL card

Föreningen Sveriges Sändareamatörer

Key membership benefits of the SSA include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards, radio contests, and a QSL bureau for members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

Latvijas Radio Amatieru Līga

Key membership benefits of LRAL include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards and radio contests, and a QSL bureau for those members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

Polski Związek Krótkofalowców

Key membership benefits of the PZK include the sponsorship of amateur radio operating awards, radio contests, and a QSL bureau for members who regularly communicate with amateur radio operators in other countries.

Radio Milinda

Although it has been stated that the power output was of 50 Watts, Radio Milinda had QSLs from Wales, Brighton and other locations in the United Kingdom.


Afterwards, reception reports (some from as far away as Texas) were sent a special QSL card featuring Paul Revere on a horse, raising the alarm.

see also