
unusual facts about Quandt


Theodor Quandt (1897–1940), German, World War I flying ace credited with 15 aerial victories

Dinner with Fred

Dinner with Fred was created by a diverse group of more than a hundred individuals, ranging from first-time student filmmakers to seasoned Oscar-winners including (Kevin Haney, Driving Miss Daisy and Greg A. Watkins, Dances with Wolves); writer and director Ben Proudfoot, and produced by Alex Kefalos, Matthew Quandt and Aaron Rabkin.

William B. Quandt

Quandt's book, Peace Process, along with The Other Arab–Israeli Conflict by Steven L. Spiegel and American Presidents and the Middle East, by George Lenczowski, are considered by historian (and the current Israeli ambassador to the United States), Michael Oren, as being "three of the genre's finer examples", focusing on the post-WWII period and seeking to investigate broader aspects of America's Middle East history.

see also