
unusual facts about Quantitative analysis

Ithiel de Sola Pool

Later, his interest in quantitative analysis and communications would contribute to computer models to study human behavior.

Midlands State University

It offers degrees in commerce with specialization in fields such as accounting (Chartered Accountant route), Finance, Quantitative Analysis, Marketing, and Business Management.

Waterfall chart

Waterfall charts can be used for various types of quantitative analysis, ranging from inventory analysis to performance analysis.

see also

Fred Luthans

A recent quantitative analysis published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal on the importance, scientific validity, and practical usefulness of all theories in the field found Luthans’ Organizational Behavior Modification Theory among the eight highest rated (along with those by Kurt Lewin, David McClelland, J. Richard Hackman, Edwin A. Locke, John B. Miner, Victor Vroom, and Bernard Bass).

George de Menil

He specializes in pension reform and monetary policy; and his policy positions reflect a liberal stance on economics, grounded in a mastery of quantitative analysis and a commitment to empirical research.