Quimby the Mouse, a comic strip and character created by Chris Ware
The strip follows that of a seemingly depressed cartoon mouse, modeled after Felix The Cat and Mickey Mouse.
Quimby the Mouse was created by Chris Ware while he attended the University of Texas at Austin from 1990-1991 (some of the strip was written from 1992–1993) The strip originally appeared in the student paper, The Daily Texan.
Mickey Mouse | Modest Mouse | Fred Quimby | Minnie Mouse | mouse | Mouse | Mighty Mouse | The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures | Danger Mouse | Ramona Quimby | Jerry Mouse | The Mickey Mouse Club | The Cat Above and the Mouse Below | Rumpi mouse shrew | Mouse Systems | Mittendorf's striped grass mouse | Hartwig's soft-furred mouse | Eisentraut's striped mouse | Dieterlen's brush-furred mouse | Stanley Mouse | Mouse Moth | Mouse (computing) | Mouse and the Traps | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | knockout mouse | Eek-A-Mouse | Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse | Beezus Quimby | Wood mouse | Time Stops for No Mouse |