
4 unusual facts about Río San Juan


It was said that there was a chief named Caripe, whose son, named Caripito ('little Caripe') went down the Caripe river towards its confluence with the Río San Juan (which empties into the Golfo de Paria near the Orinoco River delta) and founded the town of Caripito in the lowlands.

Corporate Air Services HPF821

It crashed near San Carlos, Río San Juan, killing three of its four crew; the fourth, Eugene Hasenfus, had parachuted to safety, but was captured within 24 hours.

Los Chiles

Los Chiles was originally settled by fisherman and others who worked on the nearby Río San Juan in Nicaragua.

Los Tuxtlas

The region includes the Tuxtla Mountains and stretches from Laguna Alvarado, along the Gulf of Mexico, to Laguna del Ostión, then along the westernmost tributaries of Laguna del Ostión, to the northernmost tributaries of Río Coatzacoalcos, then along the Río San Juan to its merger with Río Papaloapan flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.

Nicaraguan Spanish

The opposite occurs in regions like the Rio San Juan or Rivas, where the S at the end of words is frequently pronounced.

Paulo Freire University

The Universidad Paulo Freire (Spanish: Universidad Paulo Freire (UPF)), located in Managua, Nicaragua, with branches in Diriamba, Río San Juan and Matagalpa.

see also